Treat Your Soul To A Visual Experience at HairMNL Studio

Looking for a treat for your hair and your spirits? The NEW HairMNL Studio is here for you.
New HairMNL Studio
We know how valuable your time outside your home is. So we’re giving you the best of both worlds - Top-notch hair care experience with an inspired and relaxing ambiance. We have featured artists in our gallery so you can glean some inspiration while you replenish your body and fill up your soul.

Hair and art 

This season, we’re featuring  Rico Lascano, a visual artist whose works flow with inspiration from Zen Buddhism. His works have been exhibited at the Cultural Center of the Philippines, The Metropolitan Museum of Manila, as well as in Singapore, Hong Kong,Vancouver, New York and Berlin.



Through this recent art entitled "Musing on Nature", he wishes to evoke and create a space of calm and peace to the beholder. "With the series of lockdowns and the great fear of getting the virus, this pandemic forced us to seek solace in our own private space and create a world that is secure, quiet, calming and meditative. This state of mind apparently is possible with connecting again with nature thus giving birth to a phenomenon called Plantitos and Plantitas. This is what inspired me to create this new series," he says.

Catch his work when you visit our special space. 

Ready to get started on some much deserved me time? Now you know the best place to head to. Schedule your well-deserved hair and self-care treat by messaging HairMNL Studio at or contact us at  09177904455 or 09088977364.

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