<p><strong>BEFORE USE / INTERCHANGE THE HEATING BARREL</strong></p><p>Appliance interchanging of different sizes of heating barrel is achieved by turning the rotary barrel lock.</p><ol><li>Select the heating barrel to be interchanged.<ul><li>0.5 inch - tight curls</li><li>1.0 inch - large curls</li><li>1.5 inch - beach wave</li></ul></li><li>Insert the selected heating barrel into the handle.</li><li>Rotate the barrel lock to the left to lock the heating barrel. Line up the (•) on the barrel lock with the (<img class="image_resized" style="width:1.21%;" src="">) on the heating barrel to make sure the heating barrel is securely locked and fastened.</li><li>Rotate the barrel lock to the right to unlock the heating barrel. The (•) on the barrel lock should line up with the (<img class="image_resized" style="width:1.19%;" src="">) on the heating barrel. Pull out the heating barrel to interchange it.</li></ol><p><strong>HOW TO USE</strong></p><ol><li>Wash and dry your hair, comb your hair thoroughly, then wrap a towel around your neck to avoid possible skin burns.<ul><li>Note: Before use, the hair must be blow-dried, otherwise the tool may fail to achieve the desired styling effect.</li></ul></li><li>Insert the plug into a power socket. An 'OFF' will be flashing on the LED temperature display, press the 'Power Button' for 2 seconds to start the appliance.</li><li>Press the 'Power button' to choose levels according to different hair types. When the heating starts, the reading on the LED temperature display will start to change. When the barrel is heated to the set temperature, the reading on the LED temperature display will be kept at the set temperature.<ul><li>5 precise temperature options for different hair conditions<ul><li>140°C / 280°F: Soft and thin hair</li><li>160°C / 320°F: Thin, fine or bleached hair</li><li>180°C / 360°F: Dyed or Dark colored hair</li><li>200°C / 390°F: Normal or Slightly curly hair</li><li>220°C / 430°F: Thick, curly and wavy hair</li></ul></li></ul></li><li>Press and hold the 'Power button' for 2 seconds to turn off the appliance after having finished styling.</li></ol><p><i>Notes:</i></p><ul><li><i>Before use, do not apply any flammable product to hair.</i></li><li><i>There will be a beep sound when turning on/off the appliance and when reaching set temperature level.</i></li><li><i>It will take about 50 seconds for the barrel to heat up to the set temperature after turning on.</i></li><li><i>The appliance has intelligent features of high efficiency and energy saving. After 60 minutes working, it will be turned off automatically. You can press the 'Power button' to restart the appliance.</i></li><li><i>The appliance has a user-friendly 'Auto-memory' feature. It automatically stays at the last set temperature level when you turn it on.</i></li></ul>